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Thomas Bauer, Strategy & Business Development Director AVIVA in #InsuranceDistribution16


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thomasbauer400pxEntrevista a Thomas Bauer, Strategy & Business Development Director Europe de AVIVA que participará en InsuranceDistribution16 el 24 de Noviembre en Madrid.

COI. Regarding your participation at the Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016, could you please give us some ideas about your conference “Aviva’s strategy to grow, looking at customer needs through digital transformation”?.

ThB. Digital is the future of insurance and our customers are increasingly looking for more direct and customised digital services.

We will continue to put Digital First and are planning to launch innovative solutions for both customers and distributors. Our focus will be to develop new products for our online channels and to help both customers and distributions to take advantage of new technologies and increase their digital engagement. By doing this we will be in a position to deepen our relationship with customers.

In addition we are building multi-access capabilities in many of our markets. By launching multi-access capabilities customers will be in a position to interact with us when and where they want which can be either through our existing face to face channels, online or via call centres. It will be more and more important to give the customers choice and let them decide how to interact with us.

COI. What are the main challenges, changes and opportunities that the Insurance Industry will face within the next years?


1) Fast-changing customer behaviour
Change in customer behaviour will lead over time to the development of simpler and more tailored products. Customers are searching for transparency on prices and services and reactivity from insurers. There is also an increased use of aggregators as customers want to compare while looking for the most suitable and affordable product.

2) Accelerated digitisation
Customers want to interact with us seamlessly where and when they want. They are looking for the one-click convenience and self-serve.
We believe in a multi-channel approach in many of our markets offering customers to interact with us based on their own preferences (e.g. online, call centres, tied agents or banks).
We also see increased competition from non traditional insurance players (FinTech / InsurTech)

3) Hardening market conditions
Sustained low interest rate environment is going to be a challenging environment for the insurance industry. Combined with falling equity markets and increased volatility it will add further pressure on the industry and customer behaviour (e.g. low attractiveness of UL products)
COI. Can you tell us three reasons not to miss the Conference Insurance World Distribution Challenges 2016?

ThB. As the insurance world is changing very fast and with it the way we are distributing products to customers it is always good to get different perspectives and discuss with others how to manage the change and win in the future.

This conference is a great opportunity to meet with insurance executives from many different companies in Europe.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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